Leonardo | Page 367 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


LEON 37.2 - 15 seconds of fame

15 seconds of fame is an interactive installation that every 15 seconds generates a new pop-art portrait of a randomly selected viewer. The installation was inspired by Andy Warhol's ironical statement that “in the future everybody will be famous for 15 minutes.” The installation detects human faces and crops them from the wide-angle view of people standing before the installation. Pop-art portraits are then generated by applying randomly selected filters to a randomly chosen face from the audience.

LEON 37.2 - The SMSMS Project: Collective Intelligence Machines in the Digital City

The SMSMS project is a computer-based interactive installation that derives from the author's previous work, Computer sigillati, in which 200 machines have been programmed to produce an endless flow of random images and left to work indefinitely without being connected to a monitor. In SMSMS, one of the Computer sigillati programs is employed to create images that are visible and can be modified by the public using cell phones.

LEON 36.5 - The Dilemma of Media Art: Cybernetic Serendipity at the ICA London

One year after the 1967 Summer of Love and at a time of considerable political unrest throughout the United States and Europe, Cybernetic Serendipity—The Computer and the Arts opened at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London to much critical and popular acclaim. This paper outlines the conceptual framework of this seminal exhibition and looks at some of the accompanying press reception in order to address a key question: how media art deals with its own historicity and the underlying socioeconomic forces that render it possible.

LEON 36.5 - Uncomfortable Proximity: The Tate Invites Mongrel to Hack the Tate's Own Web Site

Uncomfortable Proximity is a critical web hack of the Tate Gallery's web site, created by Graham Harwood, a member of the Mongrel collective. Commissioned by Tate National Programmes, it mirrors the Tate's own web site, but offers new images and ideas, collaged from Harwood's own experiences, his readings of Tate works and publicity materials and his interest in the Tate Britain site. A related critical text by Matthew Fuller provides wider cultural context.

LEON 32.5 - The Growing Brain, The Shrinking Ego: Self and Identity Redefined in the New Media Age

In this article, the author discusses her virtual reality installation The Parallel Dimension and goes on to explore the loss of identity experienced when a viewer is confronted with VR. She suggests that the dislocations caused by this experience may require us to formulate a more fluid and multivalent concept of the self.