Leonardo | Page 349 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


LEON 32.4 - Geometric Mobiles: From Conceptualization of Motion in Space to Rational Design

The author uses geometrically definable shapes for mobile members in such a way that equations can be written for moment balance to yield analytical solutions for determining the suspension points of the members. This avoids the need for trial-and-error construction. Geometrically definable shapes also make it possible to use jigsaw layout of mobile members to minimize waste of materials. The author finds that these two “constraints” add an intellectual dimension to mobile-making.

LEON 32.4 - Making Connections: A Model for On-Line Interaction

The overuse of visual imagery and the redundancy of information in traditional and new communication media have desensitized our society, resulting in an emotional bankruptcy. The World Wide Web communication medium, with its highly visual interface and virtual environments, perpetuates and aggravates this situation. The “new designers” of the twenty-first century must partner with technology experts, content specialists and common users to reinvigorate imagination and rekindle emotions.