Leonardo | Page 13 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


leon 56.4 - PlantConnect

This paper describes PlantConnect, a real-time interactive system that explores human-plant interaction via the human act of breathing, the bioelectrical and photosynthetic activity of plants, and computational intelligence to bring the two together. Part of larger investigations into alternative models for the creation of shared experiences and understanding with the natural world, the work is presented as a concrete implementation of a possible model based upon reciprocal interplay and information flows between human and nonhuman worlds.

leon 56.4 - Sound of Ikebana: Fluid Artwork Created under Zero-G Using Parabolic Flight

The authors, led by artist Naoko Tosa, discuss their collaboration on the video artwork Sound of Ikebana, made by applying sound vibration to fluid and shooting it with a high-speed camera. To study the fluid’s shape under zero gravity the authors experimented with generating the artwork under weightlessness achieved through parabolic flight. The authors confirmed that a new shape significantly different from the one created under normal gravity is created. A three-dimensional artwork was also generated by shooting the phenomenon from multiple viewpoints.