Call for Leonardo Gallery Proposals | Leonardo

Call for Leonardo Gallery Proposals

Dates or Deadline: 
25 October 2011 to 1 January 2020
Organized by: 
Leonardo Journal

The editors of Leonardo invite proposals for new, curated galleries for publication in the Leonardo journal and on the Leonardo website. Galleries should showcase a number of artists working within a common theme or milieu falling under the broad rubric of art + science and/or technology.

The Leonardo Gallery is a special section published periodically in the Leonardo journal and simultaneously on the Leonardo website. The Leonardo Gallery has included "Social Fabrics: Wearable + Media + Interconnectivity" curated by Susan Ryan, "The Art of Burning Man" curated by Louis Brill and LadyBee and "Peruvian Video/Electronic/Art" curated by José Carlos-Mariátegui.

A Leonardo Gallery should include an introduction by the gallery curator and up to 7 pages of photographs or illustrations of artworks (one page per artist) with a statement written by each artist about the work. Additional illustrations may be used in the website gallery. Curators are encouraged to think of the web site gallery as a larger version of the print journal gallery.

Proposals and Inquiries
Please send a proposal (up to one page of text) with examples (up to 5 low-res .jpg or .gif files) of work by artists you intend to include in the gallery, if possible, plus a short curator’s bio to the Leonardo Editorial Office. Please include "Leonardo Gallery Proposal, (your name)" in the subject line. If your proposed gallery is chosen for publication we will contact you with more details.

Proposals will be considered on an ongoing basis.

Grow With Leonardo