| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Roy Ascott

at University of Plymouth
United Kingdom
Journal Articles:
General Articles

Planetary Technoetics: Art, Technology and Consciousness

April 2004
Special Section: ISEA 2002 Selected Papers

Orai, or How the Text Got Pleated: A Genealogy of La Plissure du Texte: A Planetary Fairytale

June 2004

Technoetic Pathways toward the Spiritual in Art: A Transdisciplinary Perspective on Connectedness, Coherence and Consciousness

February 2006

The Technoetic Predicate

June 1999
From the Leonardo Archive

The Cybernetic Stance: My Process and Purpose

April 2007

Cybernetic, Technoetic, Syncretic: The Prospect for Art

June 2008
Special Section of Leonardo Transactions: Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks

The Social Network of Dante's Inferno

June 2011

Roy Ascott Keynote Speech

December 2013

Roy Ascott in conversation with Mike Stubbs

December 2013