| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Tal Yizrael

Curatorat The Fetter Museum of Nanoscience and Art
Tel Aviv,
Focus area: Analog

Tal Yizrael is an artist, curator, collaborator and educator. Her interests lie in transdisciplinary research, intersections and serendipity. As an artist, she works both as a collaborator and as an individual artist fascinated by the ethereal, fragile moments that usually stand between order and disorder.
As a collaborator she has been a part of a group of artists and scientists, which examines the phenomenon of self-assembly at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She founded the Department of Nocturnal Affairs with artist Caroline Maxwell, which opened field offices in various public spaces around Los Angeles and the world to collect reports of nocturnal wildlife encounters.
As a curator, she is interested in an interdisciplinary approach and collaborations of art and science. She curated projects such as: “Invitation to Collaboration—the Studio as a Lab” at the California Institute of Technology, “Contemporary Landscapes” at the Millard Sheets Center for the Arts, Pomona, California, and others.  She is the curator of “NANO—The Fetter Museum of Art and Nanoscience” at the Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials of Bar Illan University, Ramat Gan, Israel. There, she fosters collaborations of artists and scientists that lead to transdisciplinary research.
She received her MFA from Claremont Graduate University, California.