David Topper | Leonardo

David Topper

His research and publications reflect the eclectic nature of his interests, covering facets of the art/science interface: philosophical matters and historical case studies on the nature of and interaction between art and science, the role of perception in science and art, and the realm of scientific illustration.

Some recent publications include The Parallel Fallacy: On Comparing Art and Science, British Journal of Aesthetics (1990); Towards an Epistemology of Scientific Illustration, in Picturing Knowledge, ed. B. Baigrie (Toronto, 1996); Trajectories of Blood: Artemisia Gentileschi and Galileoâs Parabolic Path, Womanâs Art Journal (1996); "The Neutrino and the Sydney Opera House," Leonardo (1997); "The Visual Arts and the Natural Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography," Leonardo Website (1998–); and "On Anamorphosis: Setting Some Things Straight," Leonardo (2000). Email: crb@rpi.edu.

Journal Articles

