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Kulturchronik, issues 2 & 3 / 2000 News and Views from the Federal Republic of Germany

Published bi-monthly in German, English, French, Spanish, and Russian by Inter Nationes: Bonn, Germany
ISBN: 0934-1706.
Reviewed by Frieder Nake, Germany. E-mail: nake@informatik.uni-bremen.de

This brochure comes out of Germany as a widely distributed source for everyone interested in cultural affairs. It carries translations of articles in leading German-language daily and weekly newspapers like, among others, Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Neue ZÄrcher Zeitung, SÄddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau. There are also occasionally original contributions. The year 2000 was the 18th of publication.

The magazine is in A5 format, produced in a neat, inexpensive layout and typography, mainly serving as a source of first reference with pointers to many recent and current events. It contains a large number of black-and-white photographs and comes wrapped into a color print cover. Contents are grouped into the following sections: Portrait, Visual Arts, Literature, Themes of the Day, Theatre, Music, Photography, Film and Television, Architecture and Design, Education and Science. Each section usually contains more than one article or interview, three of them is a typical figure.

Topics are of a general nature, they are not particularly geared at science and technology, and one or two are on some general event in German society and current life.

To give a few examples from the two issues reviewed, here are some topics: On the 100th birthday of Gadamer, obituaries for Hans Joachim Behrend, Bernhard Wicki, Robert Bresson, Gis¶le Freund, the new Museum of Art and Design in Nuremberg, a book review of Botho Strau¤' Das Partikular, traffic jams in Germany and Switzerland, Johann Kresnick's new production for Thalia Theatre in Hamburg, or the promise of the Internet for German schools.

For someone living away from Germany, with little time but some general interest in recent cultural affairs in Germany, the magazine can serve as a first indicator. Texts are born out of the day for rapid dissemination. The magazine can be ordered free of charge.


Updated 6 March 2001.

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