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by Argon-Evolution
Self-published, N/P, N/Y
CD-ROM, CD2, $11.50
Artist’s website (for information and purchasing CD):

Reviewed by Michael R. (Mike) Mosher
Saginaw Valley State University, USA


The reviewer initially picked up this CD, curious about this Scott Morgan, who has the same name as a venerable Michigan rock n’ roller active since the 1960s and now with a band called Powertrane. This Scott is a Chicago-based drummer with the one-man band Argon-Evolution. He has layered his rhythmic compositions with a Korg MS2000, overtone singing, vibraphone, pitch-shifting steel pans, a big metal spring that had previously served as a friend’s umbrella stand, and various audio processing.

Morgan’s jazz drumming tackles some interesting and inventive rhythms, sometimes using keyboard and guitar samples in counterpoint. While some cuts are a bit heavy with insistent cymbal, the opening "Whistler" memorably layers liquid tones over a swaying dance beat. "The Searcher" is distinguished by building up to a sort of crescendo, unlike several tracks that have an all-over texture from beginning to end. "Over Phase Modulation" uses simple melodic lines in extended notes evocative of 1970s Brian Eno, which nicely showcase Morgan’s percussive complexity.

Most of these soundscapes are more competent than compelling, so this reviewer would like Morgan’s next report card to read "Plays well with others". His Argon-Evolution music would be a great background soundbed for spoken word performance. Who is the best poet in Chicago that we might introduce to Scott Morgan?



Updated 1st December 2004

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