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A New Definition of Art

by Lawrence Casler
Vantage Press, New York, 2004
77 pp. Paper, $18.50
ISBN: 0-533-14612-7.

Reviewed by Wilfred Niels Arnold


Dr. Casler is an emeritus professor in the humanities who has published several books and papers over a range of subjects. The present little volume apparently summarizes a professional lifetime (starting as an undergraduate student) of his contemplations upon the title subject. The tone is best conveyed by the last paragraph of the preface. "Theories are tools for thinking. Carpenters don't care if their hammers are "valid;" they want to know if they are useful. As the years pass, I continue to find that Reconciliation Theory works for me (i.e., it enhances my pleasure and my understanding when I confront a work of art). If it works for you, this book was worth writing." And the new definition of art is, "reconciliation of independently interesting opposing tendencies." The "hypothesis-generators" (chapter 2, pp 4-14) and "supporting evidence" (chapter 3, pp 15-46) are compilations of selections from a variety of artists in literature, the visual arts, music, and "hybrid" arts (opera and dance). This approach is not very convincing. I was put-off by the author's penchant for throw-away lines, such as "There is neither room enough nor time to present detailed analyses of other exemplars." The name index has about 250 entries; the page numbers are accurate for the examples I tried; but I was saddened by the absence of some expected commentators. This book is obviously a sincere effort, but it disappoints in terms of advancing the field.



Updated 1st December 2004

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