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The Swastika: Symbol Beyond Redemption

by Steven Heller.
Allworth Press, New York, NY, U.S.A., 2000.
ISBN: 1-58115-041-5.
Reviewed by Roy R. Behrens, Ballast Quarterly Review, 2022 X Avenue,
Dysart, IA 52224-9767 U.S.A. E-mail: ballast@netins.net.

Throughout world history, among all sorts of people - the Greeks, Celts, Chinese, and Native Americans - the swastika has been employed as an inspirational symbol, a mark that has no connection at all to the Third Reich and the horrors of the Holocaust. In the July/August issue of PRINT, the newstand graphic design magazine, Jewish author and New York Times art director Steven Heller discusses his interest since childhood in the swastika, and explains why he thinks he is right to insist, as he argues in this book, that it should never be used in this culture "as anything other than an icon of evil."
(Reprinted by permission from Ballast Quarterly Review, Vol. 16, No. 1,
Autumn 2000.)

Uploaded 6 February 2001.

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