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Website: http://home.netcom.com/~bitart/
by Robert J. Krawczyk

Reviewed by Luisa Paraguai Donati
Department of Multimedia
Institute of Arts, Unicamp, Brazil


The first impression of the website makes me to rethink the conceptual threshold between a piece of mathematical art and a mathematical scientific graphic both of which intend to create 'a tangible experience' of abstract mathematical objects and concepts. This interdisciplinary interface is not a contemporary occurrence but has generated distinct aesthetic outcomes; artists are moved by poetic proposals which contrasts with mathematicians and their accurate representations. Currently, the production of these kinds of images using computers has generated works more systematically, producing aesthetic experiences as simulation and visualization through the manipulation of algorithms and programming languages. This use of algorithms can produce a disintegration of the symmetry, generating other relations and constructions in the organisation of artistic works. In the same way, random options introduce the possibility of instability and unpredictability, breaking the systematic and the symmetrical elements by embodying 'something accidental' ? a recurrent artistic procedure.

The BitArt website formalizes the Robert J. Krawczyk's intention, in researching mathematical concepts aesthetically in spirolaterals and a series of related strange attractor equations. In both situations Krawczyk investigates the possibilities of graphical visualization by describing and manipulating those expressions. In the Art of Spirolaterals there is a gallery showing a variety of spirolaterals and a section with a demonstration version. In another section Web users can create their own by changing the parameters (turning angles, number of turns, number of repeats, and all reversed turns) so as to visualise all the reversals without any prior knowledge. According to Krawczyk, 'Spirolaterals were first encountered while investigating space curves and fractals in Abelson. What was intriguing about them was the simple procedure to generate them and the great variety that could result from modifying a small set of parameters.' From this experience of investigating the rules of generating spirolaterals, he obtained unexpected designs as results; this unpredictability, under controlled conditions, is what makes spirolaterals of continuing interest for him. The action of compounding forms and structures by changing parameters and using a variety of line thickness has generated infinite possibilities of rhythm, spatial directions, spatialities and it characterises the author's aesthetic interest.

In the Dimension of time in strange attractors
Krawczyk explored non-random equations of chaotic processes, to generate 'spatial forms' which can be visualized and rendered when the element of time is introduced into their interpretation. By using colouring algorithms, he exposes the time element of the computational process that produces images of coherent three-dimensional forms. Consequently these images can be visually explained by a continuous movement of folding and folding their structure - endless bending and twisting.

 Some contemporary artists are also involved in 'the action of doing something' by working and playing with numbers in order to obtain and visualize forms, curves, and spaces. According to Tania Fraga, '- [these] artists have potentialised the environment using this 'something' as sign, as symbol, in experiences of presenting and not representing'. Consequently, these visual poetics can be understood as a space of possibilities which will be realised (actualised) in a certain moment, as something that 'presents the virtual giving visibility and therefore reality". From the relation between users and graphical presentations, different unities can be revealed - hidden compositions disclosed by the visualization that are not apparent from the theoretical description. This confirms Merleau Ponty's claim that, '- art is an operation of the expression - a phenomenon of the expression', that works in the 'domain of the possible', evoke experiences that will compose viewers consciousness.

This is a valiant and engaging project but finally there is a slight disappointment. Thinking about the website as a design there is a visual and aesthetical difference between its proposal and content. Personally, I would have liked to have seen some elements from those curves and forms embodied in the Web design so as to integrate its aesthetic context with Krawczyk's works.

Bibliographical references:
T. Fraga, 'Virtualidade e Realidade,' Proceedings of XII Compos (2003).
M. Merleau Ponty, 'A d?vida de C?zanne,' Os pensadores
(S?o Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1980) p.113-126.
L.M.M. Saboia, Uma po?tica interdisciplinar ? arte, matem?tica, simetria e linguagem de programa??o PostScript,
Thesis (Campinas, Brazil: 2001)
R. J. Krawczyk, 'Introduction to Spirolaterals,' BitArt
, http://home.netcom.com/~bitart/spirols/spdesc01.htm (2000).



Updated 1st August 2003

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