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Problemarket, Problem Stock Exchange, Annual Report 2001-2002

by Davide Grassi and Igor Stromajer.
Forum Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2002.
70 pp. with cd-rom, illus., price n/a.

Reviewed by Stefaan Van Ryssen,
Hogeschool Gent,
Jan Delvinlaan 115, 9000 Gent,


If you can't solve it, sell it! This is the motto of Olga Exchange, a Problem Stock Exchange listed company from the 'crime and violence' industry which had 28.3% rise in value over the past year. Of course, Pro4pro did better at 97.4% up, and even financial corporation EuroPro - "disasters are always welcome" - gained 64.1%, but Olga Exchange is a stable company with a lot of future and probably a very profitable investment for the next years. As long as problems are coming up and people will want to buy, sell, store and lease them, there will be a need for violent and criminal solutions, so Olga will thrive.

This is entirely different from ProPussyCat, a Love and Sexual Company. Under the present circumstances, I wouldn't advise for PPc. If you've got any PPc problems lie-low and steer away from any more, you might end up with one of the Health Companies like Prophylactic.

The Problemarket.com Problem Stock Exchange was opened in 2001 by Davide Grassi, President of the Management Board, and Igor Stromajer, Chairman of the Supervisory Council. It is responsible for:

  • defining and organising normal market functioning
  • defining the guidelines of requirements and procedures for the admission and business conduct of both issuers and brokers
  • surveillance and managing of the market
  • managing the computer system of listed companies.

It's main objective is to ensure the development of the markets we manage, maximising their liquidity, transparency and competitiveness while at the same time pursuing high levels of efficiency and profitability.

So, Problemarket.com is you. It is about you. And for you.

This Annual Report includes a complete description of its Departments and the Online System Facilities (http://www.problemarket.com). It covers the activities of problemarket.com for the past year: participation in International Events such as Manifesta 4 in Frankfurt, Germany and the Urban Festival in Zagreb.

This is certainly not the ProVerbial Annual Report. It is serious, honest, efficient and problematic. The cd-rom, contrary to expectations, can be read without any problem by any standard mpeg reader and contains a 20 minute video introductory presentation.

Just two problems remain to be introduced to the market: the exchange rate of the problemarket.com currency (the 'Pro' - examples are present at the cd-rom) is not given, and there are only 500 copies of this report. To be ordered at board@problemarket.com. No problem.




Updated 29th March 2003

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