Posting Guidelines | Leonardo

Self-Archiving Guidelines and Requirements

Below are MIT Press’s author guidelines and requirements for archiving (posting) journal articles on institutional repositories or personal websites.

Please note that and are not institutional repositories or personal websites, as neither fit the criteria of a nonprofit site.

Before Final Publication

Post-acceptance of your article, but before final publication of your article in the print version of Leonardo and Leonardo Music Journal, you may archive a preprint (manuscript) version of your article on your personal website, institutional repository or not-for-profit, subject-specific repository, provided that you:

  • Provide a statement indicating that this is a preprint or manuscript version and that the article has been accepted for publication in either Leonardo or LMJ

After Final Publication

Post-publication of your article in the print version of Leonardo and Leonardo Music Journal AND after the six-month embargo period (see below), you may archive the final version of your article on your personal website, institutional repository or not-for-profit, subject-specific repository provided that you include the following information with the posting:

Open Access Compliance Policy for MIT Faculty Authors

In addition to the rights already granted to you in your publication agreement, MIT faculty authors also retain the following nonexclusive rights:

  • An embargo-free right to provide, or to allow the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to provide, an electronic version of the final manuscript of the Article, including all modifications from the peer-review process and all graphics and supplemental materials associated with the manuscript (hereinafter the "peer-reviewed manuscript"), to the National Library of Medicine's PubMed Central database ("PMC") at the time the Article is accepted for publication and to take any additional steps reasonably necessary to comply with NIH's Revised Policy on Enhancing Public Access to Archived Publications Resulting from NIH-Funded Research. (See full explanation on our NIH-Funded Policy page on the MIT Press website.)
  • To make, or to authorize others to make, the Article available in digital form over the Internet, including but not limited to a website under the control of the Author or the Author's employer, or through any digital repository such as MIT's DSpace, provided such rights shall not be exercised before publication of the Article.

Embargo Period

An embargo is a period during which you may not make the final published version of your work public in any way, such as submitting it to an institutional repository or posting to a personal website. Leonardo and Leonardo Music Journal have a six-month embargo period.