TRANS-GENERATIVES 2030 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


Dates or Deadline: 
12 May 2021 to 15 June 2021
Organized by: 
United States

The inaugural UNESCO chair for Arts & Culture is issuing a call for transdisciplinary action and communication proposals. They are inviting artists, scientists, students, scholars, decision- and policy-makers, and stakeholders to showcase integrated approaches of understanding, organizing and acting upon challenges of sustainability including but not limited to Responsible Education and Research, Climate Action, Biodiversity, Food Systems, Business and Management, Wellbeing, Finance, Responsible Consumption and Production. Additionally, they welcome the participation of communities that have already used the arts to co-construct sustainability practices and approaches, and those that wish to do so. 

They are also open to hybrid forms of action-research, dedicated to actively and concretely transforming life, science and art: participative performances, joint presentations, workshops, round tables, scientific communications, hackathons, mobs, apps, role-plays, games and other (un)conventional formats. Proposals--which  can be based on past or current experimentations and theoretical disruptions--are encouraged to be the ground for action or research workshops leading to a better future in practice. Integrating the arts and the social and natural sciences and bridging practice, theory and future are core to our concerns.

The event will be held online November 12 - December 17, 2021 and both in-person and online (in Nancy, France) December 9-10, 2021. 

Grow With Leonardo