Call for Papers: Art and Atoms | Leonardo

Call for Papers: Art and Atoms

Dates or Deadline: 
1 October 2012 to 13 May 2019
Organized by: 
Leonardo Journal

Guest Editor
Tami Spector

The modern world of chemistry is vast and its connection to art strong. From nanomaterials to DNA origami and biofuels, chemistry, like art, expresses its transformative, material essence. Chemistry’s unique connection to art—a science simultaneously steeped in abstraction and application, process and product—is the focus of this special section. We seek submissions related all aspects of the chemical sciences, including material science, synthetic biology, spectroscopy, molecular imaging and neurochemistry. We encourage artists, scientists, engineers, and scholars exploring the connection between chemistry and art to submit manuscripts or artwork with artist’s statements.

Proposals and Inquiries
Interested authors may submit manuscript proposals or inquiries to Leonardo.

Manuscript Submissions
For detailed instructions for manuscript and art preparation, visit Information for Journal Authors.

To submit a completed manuscript, upload at Editorial Express.

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