Online Advertisements: A la Carte | Leonardo/ISAST

Online Advertisements: A la Carte

À la Carte Advertising

Prices listed are for a 30-day term.
1 x ad placement in our monthly newsletter; short (up to 100 words), no image  $100
1 x ad placement in our monthly newsletter; short with 1 image $200
1 display ad on the Leonardo/ISAST home page  $500
1 post on the Opportunities Hub on the Leonardo/ISAST website  $350
2 Facebook and Twitter posts each on Leonardo/ISAST accounts for 1 month   $250

Facebook and Twitter Boosted Posts

Your ad can get more reach and have a higher engagement if you use a boosted post on social media. We offer the opportunity to create one from our Leonardo/ISAST organization page and profile. Cost varies depending on your production budget. Contact for more details.



We can also invoice the advertiser and accept a check payment. Note that we cannot process the ad until full payment is received. For wire transfers for international advertisers, please email