| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Darlene Tong

Leonardo governing board memberat Leonardo / International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
United States
Focus area: Art History

Darlene Tong is Librarian Emerita at San Francisco State University. From 1976-2019, she was subject librarian for art, design, architecture. Tong has presented material on archiving new art documentation and has written about alternative art and multicultural art research. Tong contributed "La Mamelle / Art Com Archives" to Common Field [https://www.commonfield.org/projects/4126/la-mamelle-art-com-archives-by... in 2020. For 500 Capp Street, she participated in “White Box/Black Box: decades of women in the arts" in 2017, and for the CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Art’s "God Only Knows Who the Audience Is" exhibition. Tong is a contributor to the book entitled Artist Run Spaces: Non Profit Collective Organizations in the 1960s & 1970s, (Gabriele Detterer and Maurizio Nanucci, eds.) published in 2013, and Co-Editor of Performance Anthology: Source Book of California Performance Art, published in 1989. In addition to serving on the Leonardo/ISAST Board and its Publications Committee, Tong also served on the Board of Directors of La Mamelle/Art Com, a nonprofit artist organization that supported alternative art and new art technologies, active from 1975–1997. She prepared the La Mamelle/Art Com Archives that are currently housed at Stanford University.

Journal Articles:
From the Leonardo Archive

From the Leonardo Archive

August 2007