| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Francesco Monico


Francesco Monico is Director of the Accademia Media Film Arti Visive in Rome. Former director of the Media Design and New Media Art Department he founded (2001) at the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano in Milan. Former professor of Theory and Method of Mass Media at the same institution, as well as founder director (2005)of the PhD program (M)T-Node, Planetary Collegium, and a Senior Fellow of the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology in Toronto, Canada. He is Member of the Board of the Planetary Collegium (World Universities Forum Award for Best Practice in Higher Education 2011), Member of the International Programm Committee of the Isea 2011. Monico writes in online and print publications, and did regular television commentary for International Herald Tribune/Italy Daily, and New Media art commentary for Wired Italian edition. He was selected for the 2015 Italian edition of TED, as experienced about Higher Education, Cultural Management at TEDxRoncade. Today Monico is Teacher of Sociology of Media at the Consorzio Universitario Pordenone ISIA Roma and Professor in Social Digital Innovation at the Università di Udine, faculty of Mathematics and Computing. Among his artworks is The Artist Formerly Known as Vanda (Tafkav - 2007/10) and Is there Love in the Technoetic Narcissus? In 2009 he was curator for the first Italian solo show of bioartist Brandon Ballengée, Monstre Sacré. In fall 2011 Monico presented the tryptic The Hybrid Constitution at the Istanbul International Art Festival Amber.

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Leonardo Abstracts Service: Top-Rated LABS Abstracts 2015

Outline of a Subversive Technopoetic

October 2016