| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

David Goodsell

San Diego,
United States

David Goodsell, San Diego, CA. Biologist. Goodsell currently holds a dual appointment as Associate Professor of Molecular Biology at the Scripps Research Institute and Research Professor at Rutgers State University. He divides his time between research and science outreach. His research centers on methods for computational structural biology and their application to drug design, protein function prediction, and modeling of the molecular structure of entire cells. Current work includes development of AutoDock, the most widely-used computational docking program in the scientific community, and CellPack, a new method for creating three-dimensional atomic models of large portions of cells. His lab is currently applying these methods to HIV drug resistance and structure and function of bacterial cells. As part of his work in science outreach, he has developed new visual methods for exploring molecular and cellular structure. This includes two decades of artistic work on depiction of the cellular mesoscale, and development of non-photorealistic rendering methods for molecular and cellular subjects. He currently creates outreach materials for the RCSB Protein Data Bank, including a popular monthly column that presents molecular structure and function for general audiences. He has written four general-interest books on molecular biology, cell biology and bio-nanotechnology, and has collaborated with science museums, filmmakers, educators and popular authors on the creation of educational and outreach materials.