| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Sandra Kaji-O'Grady

Professor of Architectureat University of Queensland
St Lucia,
Focus area: Urban Planning, Built Environment

Sandra Kaji-O’Grady is Professor of Architecture at the University of Queensland, Australia where she teaches design. She was the Dean and Head of School at UQ between 2013 and 2018, and previously held similar roles at the University of Sydney and the University of Technology, Sydney. Her research on the expression of science in laboratory architecture culminated in two recent books: Laboratory Lifestyles: The Construction of Scientific Fictions, edited by Kaji-OGrady, Chris L. Smith and Russell Hughes (MIT Press, 2018) and LabOratory: Speaking of Science and its Architecture, Kaji-O’Grady and Chris L. Smith  (MIT Press, 2019). Her next book examines buildings that serve the pet industry and the design of urban spaces for companion animals.