| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Alexandra Kleeman

Staten Island,
United States

Alexandra is working on a "pre-apocalyptic" novel set in near-future Los Angeles, where water shortage forces all but the richest to drink synthetic water. Alexandra is the author of the story collection Intimations and the novel You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine, which won the 2016 Bard Fiction Prize. Her fiction has been published in the New Yorker, The Paris Review, Zoetrope: All-Story, Conjunctions, and Guernica, among others. Nonfiction essays and reportage have appeared in Harper's, the New Yorker, Tin House, n+1, and The Guardian. Her work has received scholarships and grants from Bread Loaf, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Santa Fe Art Institute, and ArtFarm Nebraska. Alexandra earned an MFA in Fiction from Columbia University in 2012 and an MA in Rhetoric from UC Berkeley in 2008. She is an assistant professor at Columbia University's School of the Arts, and lives in Staten Island.