| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Louise Mackenzie

Independent Artist & Researcherat N/A
United Kingdom
Focus area: Biology, Body, Self, Environmental Art, Eco Art, Land Art, Sound, Acoustics, STEAM, Pedagogy, Education

Louise Mackenzie, PhD, is an Edinburgh-born interdisciplinary artist, curator and writer. Her work is concerned with articulating human/non-human/material relationships through process, chance, appropriation and translation. She is founder and curator of interdisciplinary film programme, Black Box and interdisciplinary human/animal research community Alive Together. Her artworks have been exhibited nationally and internationally and she has written for Leonardo Journal and the Journal of Technoetic Arts (Intellect).

Journal Articles:
Special Section: Science and Art: Understanding the Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue

Ruptures and Wrong-Footings: Destabilizing Disciplinary Cultures

April 2022
Special Section: Re:Sound—Media Art Histories 2019

Microbial Sensing: Constructing Perception through Technological Layers

December 2020
Special Section: Leonardo Abstracts Service: Top-Rated LABS Abstracts 2019

Evolution of the Subject: Synthetic Biology in Fine Art Practice

October 2020