| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Pier Luigi Capucci

Prof.at Università di Udine; Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino; Noema
Milano Marittima,
Focus area: Net Art, Analog, , Art History, AI (Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Fakes), Augmented Reality, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Cultural Practices, Social Practice, STEAM, Pedagogy, Education, Environmental Art, Eco Art, Land Art, Holography, Generative Practices, Generative Art, Video, Film, Sociology

Pier Luigi Capucci (https://capucci.org) is a scholar in the media studies and the relations among  arts, sciences, technology and culture. He has been professor at the Universities of Rome “La Sapienza”, Bologna, Florence, SUPSI – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Urbino, and at the Fine Arts Academies of Carrara, NABA Milan, LABA Rimini and Quasar Rome. Currently he is a teacher at the Fine Arts Academy of Urbino and at the University of Udine (Dept. of Mathematics, Computer and Physics Sciences). He is the Director of Studies at the T-Node Ph.D. Research Program of the Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth.

He has internationally published more than 350 texts, essays and papers in books, magazines and conference proceedings. He has organized exhibitions, symposia, managed projects and participated to conferences worldwide.

He had courses, lectures, conferences, lessons and workshops in Universities, Academies, private and public Institutions and museums worldwide.

He published the books Realtà del virtuale. Rappresentazioni tecnologiche, comunicazione, arte  (Reality of the virtual. Techno-representations, communication, art), 1993 (also as eBook), on virtual technologies and the relationships between culture and sensorial representations; Il corpo tecnologico. L’influenza delle tecnologie sul corpo e sulle sue facoltà (The technological body. Technologies’ influence on the body and its faculties), 1994, on the impact of technologies on the human body; Arte e tecnologie. Comunicazione estetica e tecnoscienze (Art and technologies. Aesthetic communication and technosciences), 1996 (also as eBook), about art, sciences and technologies. In 2018 he published a volume he co-curated, The New and History, about the relationships between the “new”, innovation, history and cultural heritage, as well as the proceedings of art*science/Leonardo 50, an International conference he co-organized.

In 1994 he founded and directed the first Italian online journal, NetMagazine/MagNet, on the relations between arts and technologies. In 2000 he started Noema (https://noemalab.eu), an online magazine and a series of projects about culture-sciences-technologies interrelations and influences.

Currently he is curating the three-year research project (2018-20) art*science - Art & Climate Change (https://artscience.online).