Fig. 4. Waldemar Cordeiro, images from the series Gente (People), 1972--1973. (a) Waldemar Cordeiro, Raul Fernando Dada and J. Soares Sobrinho, Gente, Grau 1 (People, Degree 1), 63.5 x 30.5 cm, 1972. (b) Waldemar Cordeiro, Raul Fernando Dada and J. Soares Sobrinho, Gente, Grau 6 (People, Degree 6), 126 x 61 cm, 1972. This work shows a multitude of individuals agglomerated into a jumbled mass, revealing the faceless anonymity typical of large urban environments. The series of image transformations further emphasized this idea, since the images became less discernible as the artist processed them digitally.

Waldemar Cordeiro: Computer Art Pioneer


Copyright 1997 ISAST | Created 7 March 1997

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