Francesco Mariotti

Cubo luminoso, 1968
Projeckt Geldmacher-Mariotti, 4 documenta,
Kassel, Germany
(© Francesco Mariotti. Photo: Wolf Spemann.)

Gran Guacamayo Precolombino, 1992
Gran Peremio Cittá di Locarno, XIII Festival Videoart de Locarno, 1992
(© Francesco Mariotti. Software: Manuel Rodriguez, Chile. Photo: Georg Stärk.)

El templo de las Luciernagas, 1996
(The Temple of Fireflies)
Museo de Arte de Lima
(© Francesco Mariotti. Photo: Tachy Lay.)

Quantenballett, 2000
Kunstmuseum Celle mit Sammlung Robert Simon
(© Francesco Mariotti. Photo: Bejamin Marius Schmidt.)
El movimiento circular de la luz, 1969
X Bienal de São Paulo
(© Francesco Mariotti. Photo: Georg Stärk.)
When I was 13, during the summer holiday I went to the jungle, in Tingo Maria, where one of my classmate's parents, who were of Swiss origin, had coffee plantations. In Perú, summer starts in the month of December. For Christmas, my parents gave me a rifle. I remember that one day I went out alone into the hills with my rifle. In the immense greenery surrounding me I discovered a small, colorful bird. I approached as closely as I could, I aimed and I shot. I felt as if the whole universe trembled in that moment. The small bird disintegrated in tiny particles of multicolored feathers. I had made a mistake that day that I have repented ever after. I am not sure if it is due to that day and because of that shooting, but I have an infinite debt towards beauty and harmony---which at that moment I did not recognize---and that I also have an enormous suspicion of human nature and technologies. The paradox is that I use technological products in my artwork.

Francesco Mariotti
Postfach 369
8024 Zurich, Switzerland
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