Jim Long

Phong's Boat, 1994, acrylic on canvas
(© Jim Long)

The American painter Jim Long became interested in fracticality of form when he decided to explore a new kind of complex and mathematical grid for his work. He was investigating the possibility of making an infinitely thin plane of paint upon the canvas. One night he left some salt to dry in a bowl. In the morning he noticed mysterious forms, cartoon-like and ghostly, which had formed sponstaneously. Some students visiting his studio remarked "Oh, you're growing fractals!" Long's work connects the fractal subject with pop and hyperreal pigments. He plays with the tension between graphism and painterliness, imparting a purely American irreverence to his work.

-Susan Condè,

Jim Long
117 Mercer Street
NY NY 10012
       | The Fractalist Artist |
				   | gallery entrance |

		            | past exhibitions |

				            | Leonardo On-Line |