






		Irene Faiguenboim, Digital Generation,
		12-piece photo installation, 11 x 14 in,
		1990. (a) Second image. (b) Third image.
		(c) Sixth image. (d) Ninth image.


	Digital Generation is a photographic installation
	comprised of 11-x-14-in Cibachrome prints and text. The
	viewer sees the digital images and reads the accompanying
	text while the story of my pregnancy, with its serious
	complications and successful outcome, is narrated.

Birth is such an extraordinary happening that the parsimony of the 
gods determined that we would not remember it. Maybe it is a way of 
limiting us. It may be a way of protecting us from the distortions of 
	memory. We not only forget how we came to the world, but 
	also about the world from which we came. To offset this,
	the gods determined that we should earn the fruits of our
	lives with our own efforts. They gave us no boundaries. However,
	they did give us drawbacks: they gave us the just desire to
	imitate them, to try to reach them. This is the delicate mission
	of technology: to open up to mankind the return to the Absolute,
		which we one day left and from which, in a certain way,
		we became detached.

		Technology is an extension of human arms and hands, an
		intelligent extension of Creation. Technology is not
		designed to let us know what the world is like, but
		what we can and must do with it. The world may be as
	different as we can see it.Our actions, however, are not
	entirely free. They are qualified by our projects and controlled
	by nature's objective conditions. Can there be anything more
	natural than motherly care and passion?

	My work is no more no less than the resumption of motherly zeal.
	It blends the exploration of new technologies with concerns as
	ancient as time immemorial.

				Irene Faiguenboim
				Rua Químico Antônio Victor, 211
				Jaboatão, PE, 54450-010
				Tel/Fax: 55-81-361-6756

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