Standby Deliver by Kenneth Rinaldo

Standby Deliver, 1999--2000
aluminum, steel, chewing gum, sugar, human circulatory system, glass, electronics, motors, lights and microcontroller, 120 x 120 x 36 in, 3D modeling by George Faeber
(© Kenneth Rinaldo. Photo: Tom Van Endye.)

Standby Deliver consists of aluminum plates facing each other and moving back and forth and attached to activating motors. Underneath is a lit glass sugar molecule. Visitors have access to chewing gum, which they chew and stick to the plates, which are then stretched out, creating long colorful strings of the sticky substance. After many cycles of the plates back and forth motion, the glass sugar molecule rises up to catch the colorful goo. These molecules are periodically collected, becoming colorful illuminated sculptures displayed on the gallery wall. This computer-human activated system uses sugar, gum and machine as metaphor for the human consumption and waste cycle while offering mouth and eye candy to help the participant question the impact of their addictive consumerist behavior and the sugar-tweaked cognition that results.

Kenneth Rinaldo, 98 Warren Street, Columbus, OH 43215, U.S.A.
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