Colony by Daniel Wayne Miller

Colony, 1999
steel, aluminum, plastics, electronics, programmable controllers, biodegradable packing, earth mixture, 102 x 120 x 120 in
(© Daniel Wayne Miller)

Three robot loader mechanisms, following unique patterns, struggle to co-create a surface. Sensors in the gallery decide which loader deposits its material on the tabletop. The pattern for each loader is randomly sequenced to create new patterns. One loader places biodegradable foam squares on the table, another drizzles wax, and the third drops pebbles and water. Once deposited, the materials interact and wear on each other, creating patterned deposits. It makes us think about earth movers, despoiled land and systems run amuck.

Daniel Wayne Miller, 1819 S. May, 1-R, Chicago, IL 60608, U.S.A.,
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