Tri-Angle Corporation

			by Torrey Nommesen

As a leader in innovative concepts and ideas, our corporation is proud to sponsor the Colonization in Cyber-Space effort. Equipped with knowledge as old and as ever-changing as time itself, we are working diligently for a better, more prosperous future. With technology growing at an ever-increasing rate, we feel that your knowledge base should match, if not surpass that of the cutting-edge technologies of today. We deal in knowledge, technology and the future. We are Tri-Angle Corporation.

		Curator's Statement

This straight-faced corporate credo introduces Tri-Angle Corporation, ostensibly the employer of Torrey Nommesen, who is in fact its creator.

			Artist's Statement

Information is power and currency in the virtual world we inhabit. Thus, he who controls information has power. Tri-Angle Corporation is colonizing cyberspace by gaining this power through information. Another sublevel in the project is that Tri-Corp. is not only a corporation, but also a religion. Throughout history, religions have colonized minds as well as actual physical territory in the name of god. Also, the idea of huge corporations claiming mental territory with the sort of motives they have is really scary to me. There are so many jingles and icons in the media that stick in people's minds. I have chosen the symbol of the spinning emerald triangle because it seems ominous and "slick" and I believe it will stick in people's heads.

This artwork is an attempt to deal with issues of the corporate colonization of our minds and, hopefully, poke fun at it. Though at first glance it may not seem a commentary at all, I believe it has deeper levels.


Torrey Nommesen, 601 Van Ness Avenue, #E3721, San Francisco, CA 94102, U.S.A.,

| Visit Tri-Angle Corporation on the Homestead |

			    | colonial ventures |
					   | gallery entrance |

					         | past exhibitions |

			          | Leonardo On-Line |