Lawrence Paul Y U X W E L U P T U N

				Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun, Inherent Rights, 
				Vision Rights, virtual-reality installation 
				of Macintosh and PC computers, sampler, 
				spatialized sound, custom-made controls and 
				stereoscopic display, 165 x 150 x 100 cm, 1992. 
				(Production: Art & Virtual Environments, Banff 
				Centre for the Arts) 


				In this virtual-reality piece, the participant 
				explores a sacred ceremony in a traditional 
				West Coast Native Canadian long house. The 
				long house is occupied by music, fire and 
				spirits, which the participant can interact 

				Totem poles and a Native landscape surround 
				the house, producing a space for meditation 
				with virtual nature and culture. VR gave me a 
				chance to do something very romantic, like a 
				cultural exchange between my culture and 
				Western concepts: for example, I had to adapt 
				my ovoid designs to the perspective grid of the 

				(Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun, P.O. Box 1627, 
				Fort St. James, B.C., V0J 1P0 Canada)

				For more images by Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun, 
				see the print journal 
				L E O N A R D O 
				Vol. 29, No. 1 (1996),
				available from the MIT Press 