Mr. Chips

Mr. Chips is a robot. I first came across him in a children's book published in the 1980's. The book originally came with a bar code reader and a primitive voice synthesizer, similar to a Speak 'N Spell. Since I got my book used, it was missing its voice apparatus. So I reconstructed it.

-Amos Latteier, San Francisco 1995

Download: Download Mr. Chips (about 4500k) an interactive art work for Macintosh (fat binary).

Preview: Look at some scenes from Mr. Chips on-line. Includes pictures, text and sounds.

Introduction: Mr. Chips is a computer-based interactive art work that addresses questions of race and the representation of computers and faces. But it's a lot more complex than that.

Instructions: Make sure that the program was successfully unbinhexed and unstuffed. Double-click on Mr. Chips to start. After a short wait you will see some instructions. Click the mouse to begin. The faces will move when you move the mouse over them. The speed that you move the mouse around over the faces will control the speed of their movement and the speed of the sound tracks. Image that you are moving a record on a turntable with your hand. When you move the mouse off the faces into the black border you will see some text. If you are getting confused try to move the mouse more slowly and deliberately watching what happens as you move it. Hint: If you want the faces to move quickly be careful that you don't let the mouse stray off onto the border while you move it quickly.

Technical Requirements: Macintosh with at least 8M of memory, at least 8 bit monitor, QuickTime extension.

Known Bugs: The program does not run correctly on Quadra 660av computers. On this model the sound tracks drop out almost entirely. It is possible that this problem exists for some other models. I'm not sure of the cause of this problem, but am working on it, if you have any ideas let me know. If you have problems or please send me mail. Note: the program was written in a beta version of HyperCard 2.3, so there may be some problems, especially on power macs.

License Information: You may do what ever you wish with this program except sell it without my permission. If you want to redistribute it for free please include all the associated files including this one.

I would like to hear from you. I accept all comments including righteous criticism, or technical questions, or problems, or suggestions, or requests for source code, etcetera. Send all correspondence to: